Click here to see an animated pan-editing of L. tarentolae A6 mRNA (must use MIE ver 5; advance by clicking)


Definition of U-insertion/deletion RNA editing:

Definitions of Terms used in U-insertion/deletion RNA Editing.

Sequence Database:

The Nomenclature Problem and a Guide to a Solution


 Aphasizheva, I., Alfonzo, J., Carnes, J., Cestari, I., Cruz-Reyes, J., Goringer, U., Hajduk, D., Lukes, J., Madison-Antenucci, S., Maslov, D., McDermont, S., Ochenreiter, T., Read, L., Salavati, R., Schnaufer, A., Simpson, L., Stuart, K., Yurchenko, V., Zhou, Z., Zikova, A., Zhang, L., Zimmer, S. and Aphasizhev, R. (2020). Lexis and Grammar of Mitochondrial RNA Processing in Trypanosomes. Trends in Parasitol. In Press. (PDF)




Sequence Maps, Diagrams and Some Interesting Results (with my comments):

I apologize for the long gap in these listings (an example of benign neglect of a web site). I will try to update them as I  have time to do so.

Click here to return to the main RNA Editing site.

This page created and maintained by Larry Simpson