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A Brief Educational History:

Central High School - Class of 210 (prior to the modern calendar!)

Princeton University
- Biology Major (1958-1962)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Biology Division (Summers of 1961 and 1962)

Rockefeller University (W. Trager laboratory) - PhD in Cell Biology of Parasitic Protozoa (1962-1967)

Postdoctoral Position with M. Steinert (J. Brachet laboratory) Free University of Bruxelles (1967-68)

UCLA  Zoology Department (metamorphosed into Biology and then into Molecular, Cell Developmental Biology), transferred to Microbiology, Immunology and M
olecular Genetics in 2000 (1968 - forever! Retired in 2014)

Howard Hughes Medical Institute, UCLA from 1992-2005.